
Bronx Home Scene of Frequent Car Accidents

A home located on a busy corner in the Bronx was hit by a taxi a few weeks ago. But according to the NY Times, such car accidents are par for the course for the home owner, and he doesn’t plan on moving.

Steven Campbell bought the 1915 two-story home in 1989, and since then it has been twice hit by vehicles. “You could go anywhere and get hit by a car,” he says in justifying his decision to remain in the car-accident-prone home.

The home is located on Taylor Avenue at the corner of Wood Avenue. It’s a five corner intersection, shared with East 174th street, a four-lane road with a median. In short, there’s no shortage of traffic.

In the taxi accident that most recently occurred, the cab swerved to avoid another vehicle and sped through the Taylor-Wood intersection before jumping the curb in front of Mr. Campbell’s home. It hit a parked van and post and then mowed down Campbell’s white metal fence before smashing through the empty garage door. Fortunately, no one was injured. Mr. Campbell was not home at the time. Continue reading
